One Nation....

End of Gallery
Graduation Rate
Class of 2024 100%
Student - Teacher
11:1 Ratio
Teacher Experience
89% above 3 years
Freshmen On Track
>95% on track to graduate for 3 years in a row
New Library
First 2 months of school; over 530 books checked out!

Character Trait Winner - Empathy
Marlow Paul - Kindergarten

Character Trait Winner - Empathy
Juniper Hajek - 1st grade

Character Trait Winner - Empathy
Korey Moore - 2nd grade

Character Trait Winner - Empathy
Fern Hajek - 3rd grade

Character Trait Winner - Empathy
Luke Martin - 4th grade

Character Trait Winner - Empathy
Avery Lande - 5th grade

Primary Student of the Month - December
August Cowles - 2nd grade

Intermediate Student of the Month - December
Chase Miller - 3rd grade

MS Student of the Month - December
Emily Lloyd - 8th grade

MS Student of the Month - December
Miles Pettis - 8th grade

HS Student of the Month - December
Aravis Gibson - 10th grade

HS Student of the Month - December
Ashton Fawver - 11th grade

Elementary Staff of the Month - December
Angie Dehaan - Kindergarten

Secondary Staff of the Month - December
Lisa Lackey - HS Language Arts

Support Staff of the Month - December
Tikola Miller - Education Assistant